How to turn any question into code? Making coding simple.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential tool for developers, allowing them to automate tasks, improve processes, and make more informed decisions. Blackbox AI is an AI-powered platform that offers various features to help developers, programmers, and non-technical users alike to automate their coding tasks.

One of the most prominent features of Blackbox AI is its ability to turn any question into code. This feature allows users to ask questions in natural language, and the platform will generate the corresponding code automatically. This can save a lot of time and effort for programmers who struggle with coding and syntax errors.

Another powerful feature of Blackbox AI is its AI-powered code auto-completion. This feature enables users to speed up their coding tasks by suggesting the next lines of code based on the context of the current code. The platform analyzes the code being typed and suggests possible options to complete it, which can be a real-time-saver.

Blackbox AI can also extract code from any video, which is a valuable tool for those who learn best by watching and listening. The platform uses machine learning to analyze the video and extract relevant code snippets, making it easier for users to learn and understand complex programming concepts.


Blackbox AI offers both free and paid plans.

Here’s what you can do with the Free Plan:

  1. Search for Code on the Webapp

  2. Search for Code on VSCODE

  3. Copy Text from Videos, Images & PDF


    Here’s what you can do with the paid Plan:

To sign up for Blackbox AI, users can visit their website and create an account.

It also works on our IDE. To use the Blackbox AI tool extension in VS Code, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the Blackbox AI tool extension for VS Code from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
  2. Sign up for a Blackbox AI account and create a new API key.
  3. Use the API key to authenticate the Blackbox AI tool extension in VS Code.
  4. Use the extension to interact with your machine learning models and integrate them into your VS Code projects.

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Author: rubina