Quantum Mechanics: Davisson-Germer Experiment (Single Particle Double Slit Experiment)

Quantum mechanics is one of the most spectacular discoveries of modern science which occurred between 1900 and roughly 1930. A single generation of physicists took on a grand challenge to understand the microscopic realm which, around that time, was just becoming accessible to the experimental studies. What they found is by any measure shocking, unexpected, […]

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Unlocking the Mysteries of the Juan Maldacena Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) Correspondence

Quantum field theory is a quantum mechanical system in which spacetime is fixed. It is harder to incorporate gravity with quantum mechanics because of difficulty in understanding the quantum fluctuation of spacetime itself. It has been the greatest challenges for theoretical physics. But there has been remarkable progress in understanding quantum gravity via AdS/CFT correspondence. […]

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